If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, someone else, or are feeling out-of-control, please call one of the following numbers or go to your nearest Emergency Room.

Crisis Lines:

  • Suicide & Crisis Center: 214-828-1000
  • Contact Crisis: 972-233-2233
  • National Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
  • Acute Crisis Evaluation: 214-388-2412

Mobile Assessments and In-person Assessments:

  • Carrollton Springs Hospital Assessment: (18 y/o+) 972-242-4114
  • Children’s Medical Center in Dallas: https://www.childrens.com/specialties-services/specialty-centers-and-programs/psychiatry-and-psychology
  • Cook Children’s Hospital in Ft. Worth:  https://www.cookchildrens.org/behavioral-health/Pages/default.aspx
  • Mesa Springs Hospital in Ft. Worth: (817) 952-5571
  • Millwood Hospital Mobile Assessment Team: 817-223-7837
  • Plano Presby–Seay Center: 972-981-8305
  • University Behavioral Health Assessment Team: 1-888-320-8101

North Texas Mental Health Authority and Lifenet offer mobile assessments.

Check in the front of your phone book for additional numbers

Go to your nearest emergency room or call 988. If it is a life-threatening situation, call 911.
You can go to either a medical or psychiatric emergency room to be evaluated.

TIP: it is helpful to call the hospital in advance to find out their hours and if there is a waitlist.

Local inpatient psychiatric hospitals by County:

Most hospitals provide a free evaluation to see if you are appropriate for their level of care; call before going to see if there are beds available & work with your specific issue

  • Denton Cty: UBH, Carrollton Springs, Sante Center
  • Collin Cty: SEAY Center at Plano Presbyterian, Wysong in McKinney, Children’s Hospital in Plano, Healing Springs Ranch
  • North Dallas County: Green Oaks at Medical City, Richardson Methodist, Sundance in Garland, Garland Behavioral Hosp.
  • South Dallas Cty: Parkland/Zale Lipshy, Dallas Children’s Hospital at Parkland, Dallas Behavioral, Hickory Trail
  • Tarrant Cty: John Peter Smith Hospital, Cook Children’s Hospital, Springwood (HEB), Mesa Springs, and Millwood (Arlington)